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Commitment to Social Justice & Racial Equity

To my friends, followers, and former clients:

I want to be clear that I, Amanda Behrens, stand against and condemn white supremacy.


I believe in equity and inclusion for all, especially those who have been oppressed and marginalized in our society. I support trans folx and the rights of the LGBTQ+ community, reproductive justice and the freedom to choose.


I commit to doing my part to dismantle systemic racism and combat white supremacy through a combination of learning and unlearning; contributing to organizations that are doing work on the ground and in the streets; and realigning myself with brands, businesses, and products that reflect this mission.


I commit to doing my part to make myself a better ally, and to make this space – my space – safer for everyone. 

Information & Resources

Below, you'll find resources I've compiled reflecting both organizations that I believe in and/or my household supports, as well as books, posts, and articles that have helped me to learn more about the many, many forms of racial and social injustice.


As a white person speaking to other white people, it is our responsibility to engage in the dismantling of oppressive systems that have protected our privilege at the cost of Black and Indigenous people, and other people of color. This includes being aware of, and willing to work through, our personal and internalized beliefs, actions, rage, and fragility surrounding racism.


I've separated these resources into three sections: places to donate; books to read; and articles and social media.

Together, and through our own work and learning, we can begin to make our world a more just and equitable place.


Places to Donate

Books to Read


There are so many books to read to educate yourself on the topics of systemic racism and dismantling white supremacy. Below are some I've read or am reading personally, and will continue to add to this list.

When seeking out books on these topics, prioritize the work of Black people and people of color. They are the victims of this systemic oppression, and learning through their voice and their experience is exceedingly important.

Please note that while I am a member of the Better World Books affiliate program, the following are not affiliate links, as I do not wish to gain anything from the potential purchase of one of these titles.

Articles & Social Media

Articles & Social Media

Please note, if you are a white person following one of these links and it takes you to the account of a Black person or person of color, DO NOT ask them to help you learn more.


These amazing humans are not your resources, but many have *created* resources for us to learn. It is our responsibility to utilize these resources, both paid and graciously offered for free, and do the work *ourselves*.


Thanks in advance for adhering to this request.

Please note: Many of the images below are screenshots from the posts or websites I've linked to. They are intentionally small in size, and meant only as a quick reference to lead you to the original account or post. All images are the property of the linked account or organization, unless otherwise stated by the poster.

DANIELLE COKE | @ohhappydani
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
Monique Melton | @ moemotivate
The Conscious Kid | @theconsciouskid
courtney (courn) ahn | @courtneyahndesign
Rachel Elizabeth Cargle | @rachel.cargle
Meaghan Oppenheimer | @moppyoppenheimer
Ilyse Kennedy | @movingpartspsychotherapy
NoGossipMagUK | @nogossipmag
Sam Richardson | @thesamrichardson
Rachel Elizabeth Cargle | @rachel.cargle
Liz Kleinrock | @teachandtransform
alexander hodge | @xrhodge
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | @aoc
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